The Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), as part of its “Libres ensemble” (Free together) programme, joins forces with the Hermione, the famous ship which, in 1780, allowed La Fayette to join the American insurgents in their struggle for independence. From the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, from February to June, the frigate of Liberty stops at 12 ports with 350 young gabiers on board, including a hundred mobilized by the OIF.
On February 19, in the presence of the Secretary General of La Francophonie, the Mayor of La Rochelle and the entire crew, Plantu inaugurates this tour and presents the exhibition “Tous migrants!” (All migrants!) which will be offered to the public at various stopovers (Tangier, Marseille…).
A highly symbolic navigation: the Mediterranean Sea, crossroads of cultures and beating heart of our rich history, is today designated as a marine cemetery where human lives are beached, in search of peace and a future. We can never repeat it enough: All migrants and Free together!
Rendez-vous in Marseille on April 14 for an exceptional day around “Tous Migrants !”.
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